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Day-2 Guide to patch the ClusterNetwork MTU on running cluster with Local Zone workers

The steps described in this guide were based on the official documentation.

Steps to change the MTU of OVN in existing clusters installed with Local Zone workers.

Overview of the steps: - Review the current configuration - Patch the Cluster Network Operator to use the new MTU for OVN and the migration config - Remove the migration, and set the default MTU - Wait for the cluster operators to complete


Overall Checks:

  • Expected all Cluster Operators ready (AVAILABLE=True, PROGRESSING && DEGRADED == False)
  • Expected all MCPs ready (UPDATED=True, UPDATING=False, DEGRADED=False)
  • Expected all nodes STATUS=Ready
  • Expected the .status.clusterNetworkMTU with non targeted MTU value in network.config/cluster
  • Expected no migrations .status.migrations == nil
  • Expected the mtu applied on the interface ovn-k8s-mp0 the same of .status.clusterNetworkMTU
oc get co
oc get mcp
oc get nodes
oc get network.config/cluster -o yaml
oc get cluster -o yaml
oc get cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig.mtu}{"\n"}'
oc get network.config/cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.clusterNetworkMTU}{"\n"}'

for NODE_NAME in $(oc get nodes  -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'); do
  echo -e "\n>> check interface $NODE_NAME";
  oc debug node/${NODE_NAME} --  chroot /host /bin/bash -c "ip ad show ovn-k8s-mp0 | grep mtu" 2>/dev/null;

When running with an invalid MTU to communicate with nodes in local zones, check if pulling images from the internal registry will fail (it's expected to fail with MTU higher than 1200):

Replace the variables according to your environment (KUBE_ADMIN_PASS)

KUBE_ADMIN_PASS=$(cat auth/kubeadmin-password)
NODE_NAME=$(oc get nodes -l -o jsonpath={.items[0]})
API_INT=$(oc get infrastructures cluster -o jsonpath={.status.apiServerInternalURI})

oc debug node/${NODE_NAME} --  chroot /host /bin/bash -c "\
oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify -u kubeadmin -p ${KUBE_ADMIN_PASS} ${API_INT}; \
podman login -u kubeadmin -p \$(oc whoami -t) image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000; \
podman pull image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/tests" 2>/dev/null;

Change the MTU

Patch the OVN to use the new MTU value:

oc patch cluster --type=merge \
  --patch "{
            \"from\":$(oc get --output=jsonpath={.status.clusterNetworkMTU}),

Wait for:

  • All the MachineConfigPools have been updated
  • All nodes are Ready
  • All ClusterOperators are ready (available, not progressing nor degraded)
  • All nodes' overlay interface must have the new MTU

NOTE: it could take several minutes

oc get network.config/cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.clusterNetworkMTU}{"\n"}'
oc get mcp
oc get nodes
oc get co

Finalize and apply the changes by removing the migration entry, setting the MTU into the default configuration:

oc patch --type=merge \
  --patch "{

Wait for MCP rollout one more time.


Check if the nodes keep with the MTU set previously:

for NODE_NAME in $(oc get nodes  -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'); do
  echo -e "\n>> check interface $NODE_NAME";
  oc debug node/${NODE_NAME} --  chroot /host /bin/bash -c "ip ad show ovn-k8s-mp0 | grep mtu" 2>/dev/null;

Testing pulling images from the internal registry

You must be able to pull images from the internal registry after the MTU change:

Replace the variables according to your environment (KUBE_ADMIN_PASS)

KUBE_ADMIN_PASS=$(cat auth/kubeadmin-password)
NODE_NAME=$(oc get nodes -l -o jsonpath={.items[0]})
API_INT=$(oc get infrastructures cluster -o jsonpath={.status.apiServerInternalURI})

oc debug node/${NODE_NAME} --  chroot /host /bin/bash -c "\
oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify -u kubeadmin -p ${KUBE_ADMIN_PASS} ${API_INT}; \
podman login -u kubeadmin -p \$(oc whoami -t) image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000; \
podman pull image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/tests" 2>/dev/null;